300 footer anchored outside the Open Yard area

On Friday at noon, 22 May 2020, the 300-footer "Nahlin" anchored on Ellösfjorden, just outside the Open Yard/Öppet Varv area. The huge pleasure boat belongs to Sir James Dyson, inventor, entrepreneur and one of the world's most wealthy individuals, with an estimated wealth of 16.2 billion Pounds. The ship is 90 years old, completed in 1930. The market value is said to be around 70 million US Dollars. The owner Sir James Dyson is 73 years and inventor of the well-known bagless vacuum cleaner Dyson and founder of the company Dyson Ltd. Sir James Dyson built no less than 5,127 prototypes for the vacuum cleaner before it came on the market in 1983. Today, the company has sales of more than 4 billion US dollars per year and has 12,000 employees.
Sweden is one of the very few countries in those Corona times where it is easy to get to on a leisure boat. No valid reason is needed, but it is enough that you come from another EU country or Norway, UK, Switzerland, Iceland or Liechtenstein. This means that there is good reason to believe that Sweden will be a very popular area for both really large and quite normal boats in the summer of 2020.
Come to the Open Yard/Öppet Varv, 21-23 August 2020, Ellös, Orust, West Sweden, Scandinavia's largest sailboat show. With a lot of new and used boats, a wide range of yacht equipment, outlets, real palms and good food at reasonable prices. Many yachts under construction for viewing. There will be an interesting lecture on Saturday evening 22 August.