Sweboat and Hallberg-Rassy in a new sailboat show collaboration on Orust

Until 2016, Sweboat, together with Hallberg-Rassy, arranged Öppna Varv at Orust. From 2017, Sweboat arranges Marstrand Show and Hallberg-Rassy arranges Open Yard/Öppet Varv in Ellös. These two events have competed the same weekend, partly the same visitors and the same exhibitors - the sailboat companies and the yacht equipment companies whose target group is sailboat owners.
Now Sweboat and Hallberg-Rassy have decided to arrange a joint sailboat show in Ellös from 2022 and the working name is "Orust Sailboat Show - with Open Yard". Open Yard/Öppet Varv will from 2022 be the name of the part of the sailboat show in Ellös where Hallberg-Rassy offers tours of its yacht production at the boatyard and their spare parts and accessories store Hallberg-Rassy Parts.
Sweboat also continues to arrange the show in Marstrand the same weekend, under the working name "Marstrand Motorboat Show". "We are happy to, together with the trade association Sweboat, finally get to gather all sailboat exhibitors and related accessory companies in one place, here in our home port in Ellös. This is really good for the entire sailboat industry ", says Magnus Rassy, CEO at Hallberg-Rassy. "We look forward to once again being the organizer of a boat show together with Hallberg-Rassy in Ellös and welcome visitors to see all sailboats and sailboat-related products gathered at Orust next year - while we look forward to further developing the fair in Marstrand together with the industry ", says Mats Eriksson, CEO of Sweboat.
Welcome next year to the Orust sailboat show with Open Yard in Ellös 26 - 28 August 2022!
Mats Eriksson, Sweboat and Magnus Rassy, Hallberg-Rassy